Wednesday, December 6, 2006


But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Sonnet 18 - William Shakespeare

In this section you will explore the notion of cultural evolution. You will begin by reading an extract from Richard Dawkin's famous book The Selfish Gene for homework. This usually captures the imagination of students.
This will be followed by a seminar on various aspects of the emerging field of study of memetics; the theory of how culture develops as based on Dawkins' ideas. To cover all these topics will take about two lessons, or from 2 to 3 hours of classroom time.

Part 1 : Reading
I would like you to read Chapter 11 from evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkin’s book on evolution, The Selfish Gene and answer the questions below.
You will find it at the following website:
The Selfish Gene
You should answer all the questions in note form and be prepared to speak about them in class.
1. Give the definition of a ‘meme’.
2. Give some examples of memes.
3. What is a Saddleback and what has it got to do with memes? For the curious you can listen to its song by going to the following website: terranature
4. What do memes and genes have in common?
5. Explain the analogy between human brain and computers.
6. Explain what a co-adapted gene complex is , and then what a co-adapted meme complex is?
7. How can we achieve immortality through memes?

Part 2: Seminar Research
In this section you will work in groups of three or four and research a topic related to memes and cultural evolution. Once you have completed your research share your findings with the class.
1) Who is Dr. Susan Blackmore?
a) She studied the paranormal for nearly 30 years, explain why she abandoned it
b) What is her field of current interest? Go to the following site, click on "Outcast 8" and listen from minute 1:28-3:30:
c) How did she get interested in memes. Go to Pbs Evolution site and watch a video clip of susan Blackmore entitled Memetic Evolution and listen from minute 4:27.
d) According to Susan Blackmore memetic drive may be the reason why humans have such big brains. Watch the Pbs Evolution video 'Memetic Evolution' and hear what Dr. Blackmore means by this.

2) The Evolutionary Algorithm
Read an extract from Chapter 2 of Susan Blackmore's book The Meme Machine and answer the questions below. Your teacher will give you a paper copy.
a) What is an algorithm?
b) Explain the idea that algorithms are 'subsrate neutral'.
c)What do memes and genes have in common?
d) Are memes and genes the same?

3) Religion and Natural History
Listen to philosopher Daniel Dennett talking about his latest book on bringing science and religion together.
For questions a-d listen from minute 0.0-5:59
a) What is the core part of his definition of religion
b) How did the emergence of language relate to the development of religion. Talk about the "orientation reaction".
c) What is Dennett's explanation for the origin of religion. Listen to his account of the "the talking tree"
d) What was the role of writing in helping religion to develop?

Part 3 Written Homework

i) Describe an one of your own paranormal experiences and try to explain it rationally.
ii) Secondly comment on Susan Blackmore's decision to abandon her research into the paranormal.

Dr. Blackmore's repsonses to Jerome, Saba and Adrien
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